5 products in collection

Dried fruit | In stock | 1lbThe burst of flavor and healthy goodness you’ll find in our Cherry Central products distributed internationally.
Perfect as a snack or in a recipe, PurSuperfoods Cranberries are a great way to add unexpected flavor any time!
Without a...

Dried fruit | In stock | 1lbDates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is grown in many tropical regions of the world. Dates have become quite popular in recent years.
Deglet Noors Deglet Noors are a semi-dry date. They are golden-amber in...

Dried fruit | In stock | 1lbOrganic coconut chips will become a MUST for your oatmeal's and cereals, these are packed full of flavor and are great to add a mild coconut flavor to baked goods, curries, granolas, salads and more.
Our unsweetened...

Dried fruit | Out of stock |Goji berries are small red fruits that have become very popular due to the benefits that their consumption brings. One of them is the feeling of satiety.
They can be consumed in infusions, juices, desserts, as nuts and in capsules.
Dried fruit | Out of stock |The shriveled yellow, brown, or purple morsels known as raisins are actually grapes that have been dried in the sun or in a food dehydrator.
Black Thompson Raisins
PurSuperfoods seedless, natural, Black Thompson Raisins are dried in the autumn...